Sunday, February 24, 2008

Nestehukka - Dehydration

Enpa tainnut tietaa mita nestehukka oikeasti tarkoittaa ennen kuin pari yota sitten.
Sain turistiripulin, tai ainakin siksi sita ensin luulin. Oksennusta ja ripulointia koko yon, niin kauan kunnes koko elimisto oli taysin kuivaksi puristettu. Samalla piti tietysti viela imettaa vauvaa, jotta kaikki viimeisetkin nesteet sain hukattua. Olo oli taysin epatodellinen, en pysynyt pystyssa koska heti alkoi heikottaa.
Aamulla olo oli hiukan parempi mutta vatsatauti jatkui eika nesteetkaan oikein pysyneet sisalla. Ei muuta kuin sairaalaan, suoraan tiputukseen ja kuin ihmeen kautta elimisto alkoi virota. Samasta letkusta antibiootteja tappamaan kaiken mika viela suolistossa oli elossa. En onneksi joutunut yopymaan sairaalassa.
Kotiin paastya alkoi Onnin opettaminen tuttipullolle, ja rintojen pumppaaminen antibioottikuurin ajaksi. Ei mitaan kivaa puuhaa. Tuntuu kuin olisin pettanyt hanen luottamuksensa mutta kaikeksi onneksi suostui sentaan syomaan. Tallaisissa alakuloisissa merkeissa taalla tanaan. Joudumme siirtamaan Etelaan lahtoa muutamalla paivalla kunnes kaikki on back to normal.

I don´t think I knew before what dehydration really means.
I got something that the Mexicans call la turista, meaning a stomach bug of some kind. Only that this stomach bug was nothing like any other time I have suffered. Excuse my graphic expressiveness, but there is no other way to explain: I was on the toilet and vomiting at the same time. All night long. Until my body contained no more liquids. All the same, I had to breastfeed Bebecito, to ensure that there was no drop of hydration left in me.
In the morning I felt somewhat better, however, the nausea continued and I felt really weak, delirious, couldn´t stand up because I felt like fainting. So... to the hospital it was, directly to IV with glocose and antibiotics to kill whatever it was that was causing mayhem in my tummy. After a few hours of this fun I was discharged.
Back home started the fun of teaching Bebecito to take bottle instead of breast and emptying my breasts with a pump, as because of the antibiotics I have to take my milk is poisonous now. No fun. I feel that I have totally betrayed him. But at least he ate. The least we need now is a sick baby here. A little bit melancholic feelings here. Because of this we also have to postpone our trip to the South for a few days. Such is life.


Jonna said...

Paranemisia! Kurja juttu tuo nahatauti

Amanda said...

Just get well! He won't hate you for getting the bottle.
A x