Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Vuelve a la Vida

Tulimme siihen tulokseen etta vatsaongelmani alkupera oli los mariscos eli merenelavat joita kavimme syomassa Anopin synttareiden kunniaksi. Annokseni nimi oli ironisesti Vuelve a la vida eli Paluu elamaan. Ajattelimme ehdottaa uudeksi nimeksi Vuelve al hospital.

Onni ja mina, hiukan traumatisoituneena, laskemme paivia laakekuurin loppuun. Hiljaiseloa viela muutama paiva.

We came to the conclusion that my stomach bug was the origin of los mariscos, seafood, that we had to celebrate La Suegra´s birthday last week. I ate something called Vuelve a la vida, which, ironically enough means Back to Life. I suggest this be renamed Vuelve al hospital.

A little bit traumatised of all this, I and Bebecito are counting days till the end of my medication. Means a few more days of little action.

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